The Beginning

For a while now, I’ve known about this whole “blogging” thing but never really got around to having my own. I’ve seen all sorts of blogs from other people and wondered if they really thought anyone would read them. Blogs about that and blogs about this and blogs about blogs.

Why should I write one of these…generally, the people who I’ve cared about caring about what I had to say are people who I talk to normally so I don’t really need this. So here it is…I’ve decided that there are two possible outcomes to attempting to keep this up:

  1. Nobody ever reads this and I have a journal for myself.
  2. Some people read this and are actually interested in my musings

Either works for me. I make no promises as to the quality or entertainment value of what I might say. I’m not entirely sure what I’ll write about. Perhaps I’ll write about the Red Sox. Perhaps I’ll write about movies that I see. Perhaps I’ll write about my professional life in the technology world (unlikely).

One of these days I’m gonna change the design of the blog so it isn’t the default boring look. Or maybe not. We’ll see. I’m already bored.

So…if you are reading this now, and you are me, then I’m writing to myself and no introductions are necessary. Otherwise, I hope you’re enjoying your time here and hopefully I can provide you with some interesting reading material for the duration of your visit.

See you soon.

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